With advances in thermophotovoltaic (TPV) cells enabling recycling of sub-bandgap photons, a key barrier to reaching high prototype efficiencies has become radiative losses to parasitic high-emissivity regions, such as heavily doped contact regions, defects in coatings, and inactive areas. Here, we examine the impact of such radiative losses on the performance of various candidate cell materials, including GaAs, Si, InGaAsP, InGaAs, GaSb, and InGaAsSb. The ability of a TPV design to resist this performance loss is termed "radiation-sink tolerance" (RST). We show that RST is directly proportional to the spectral overlap between the absorptance profile of the cell and the emission profile of the emitter, which can be improved by adding a lower-bandgap absorber, increasing the emitter temperature, and utilizing a selective emitter. Our RST expressions can be used to estimate the efficiency of a prototypical TPV generator based on a component-level measurement.