Ground States of Crystalline Caps: Generalized Jellium on Curved Space

Phys Rev Lett. 2019 Oct 4;123(14):145501. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.145501.


We study the ground states of crystals on spherical surfaces. These ground states consist of positive disclination defects in structures spanning from flat and weakly curved caps to closed shells. Comparing two continuum theories and one discrete-lattice simulation, we first investigate the transition between defect-free caps to single-disclination ground states and show it to be continuous and symmetry breaking. Further, we show that ground states adopt icosahedral subgroup symmetries across the full range of curvatures, even far from the closure of complete shells. While superficially similar to other models of 2D "jellium" (e.g., superconducting disks and 2D Wigner crystals), the interplay between the free edge of caps and the non-Euclidean geometry of its embedding leads to nontrivial ground state behavior that is without counterpart in planar jellium models.