We report the results of reoperation for brain metastases in 21 patients with recurrent tumors following initial successful resection. The tumor recurrences were local (original site) in 14 patients, and occurred at other sites in the brain in the remaining seven. Time to CNS recurrence ranged from 3 to 30 months. At time of repeat craniotomy, disease was limited to the CNS in 12 (57%) of the patients. Median survival following second craniotomy was 9 months, and the actuarial 2-year survival was 25%. Neurological improvement was seen in two thirds of the patients; the median duration of neurological improvement was 6 months. There was no mortality, and only one patient developed increased deficit following surgery. We conclude that repeat resection of brain metastases is an important therapeutic option in selected patients, and should be considered in symptomatic patients with accessible mass lesions before the use of other experimental treatment.