Throughout the development of anatomy as a scientific study, authors have been challenged to give a singular comprehensive definition of what should be considered as a fascial tissue. Instead, the multiplicity of synthesis and analysis is the true richness of scientific research: individual points of view and background look at the fascia from their own perspective, sometimes influenced by their own cultural assumptions. No person or organization in science ever have the absolute truth, because scientific truth is always evolving, driven by new observations and analysis of data. Only by observing the fascia from multiple perspectives (doctor, surgeon, osteopath, physiotherapist, bioengineer and more) can we define more fully what fascial tissue is. It becomes the synergistic result of several scientific disciplines (anatomy, cardiology, angiology, orthopaedics, osteopathy, cytology, and more). The fascia is not the exclusive domain of a few people or individual private associations, but of all researchers who journey through the study of knowledge and arrive at an understanding, improving the clinical aspects for the good of the patient, without profit. This article reviews the embryological evolution of muscle and connective tissue to affirm how the fascial system should be ideally conceptualized: an absolute anatomic functional continuum.
Keywords: fascia; mechanotransduction; myofascial; osteopathic; physiotherapy; skeletal muscle.
Copyright © 2019, Bordoni et al.