Six different types of spectral responses were recorded from horizontal cells under mesopic conditions in perfused retina, isolated from the dark-adapted mojarra (Eugerres plumieri). They were tentatively termed photopic Lr-, Lg1-, Lg2-, Lb-, and C-type, and scotopic L-type. The Lr-, Lg-, and Lb-type responses showed a maximum peak at 605, 550, and 516 nm respectively, while the C-type was composed of hyperpolarizing potentials in response to shorter wavelengths and depolarizing potentials in response to longer wavelengths (so-called R/G-type). The scotopic L-type has a peak at 516 nm in the spectral response and a slow decay phase in the waveform response. Following a brief period of diffuse illumination, it was found that the Lg1-type response is altered to the Lr-type, while both Lg2- and Lb-type responses change to the C-type. Intracellular marking with Lucifer or Procion yellow identified the cellular origins of different response types: external (He) and medial horizontal (Hm) cells for the Lr-type, internal horizontal (Hi) cells for the C-type, and rod-horizontal (Hr) cells for the scotopic L-type. Only He cells were found to possess an axon, while dye coupling was seen between axonless Hm, Hi, or Hr cells but not between He cells. The morphology of these fluorescent dye-marked cells was the same as that of the respective cells observed in Golgi-stained materials.