Study of Pre and Post Operative Videostroboscopic Evaluation of Benign Vocal Cord Lesions

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Oct;71(Suppl 1):333-340. doi: 10.1007/s12070-018-1303-x. Epub 2018 Mar 28.


To determine pre and postoperative vocal fold vibratory changes using videostroboscopy (VS) and effect of surgery on functional, physical and emotional levels of voice using voice handicap index (VHI). To determine correlation between VHI and VS in patients with benign vocal fold pathology. This is a prospective study done at Pushpagiri Medical College. 40 patients in the age group of 14-75 years who presented with complaints of voice change were included. VS and VHI of patients done preoperatively in 40 patients. Patients were re-evaluated postoperatively at 1 month by VHI and VS. All patients underwent microlaryngoscopic excision of the benign vocal cord lesion with biopsy under GA in the conventional manner. One month postoperatively, these patients were evaluated by VS and VHI and the findings noted. There was statistically significant improvement in the stroboscopy ratings and VHI scores post operatively (p < 0.0001). The mucosal wave was diminished or absent in 100% of the studied TVC cysts and present in approximately 60% of vocal polyps. There was no significant correlation found between preoperative VHI scores and stroboscopy ratings except for mucosal waves. Whereas there was significant correlation noted between the VHI subscales and total scores with stroboscopic scores postoperatively except for symmetry. All but 6 patients in this study benefitted from surgery and 85% had a normal voice post-operatively. Pre and post operative assessment of patients with benign vocal fold lesions by stroboscopy and VHI is a useful way to determine the degree of improvement following surgery.

Keywords: Videostroboscopy; Vocal fold; Voice handicap index.