This article provides additional data on the application of early coagulation support protocol in the management of major trauma patients. Data come from a retrospective analysis reported in the article "Early coagulation support protocol: a valid approach in real-life management of major trauma patients. Results from two Italian centres" [1]. Data contain information about the relationship between differences in resource use and mortality outcomes, and patient demographic and clinical features at presentation. Furthermore, a comparison between resource consumption, the probability of multiple transfusions and the mortality outcomes among propensity-score matched patients is reported.
Keywords: AIS, anatomical injury score; Blood coagulation; Critical care; ECS, early coagulation support; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; Fibrinogen; Haemorrhage; Italy; LOS-ICU, length of intensive care unit stay; LOS-hospital, length of hospital stay; MTP, massive transfusion protocol; PLT, platelets; Propensity score; Sensitivity analysis; Trauma centres; pRBC, packed red blood cells.
© 2019 The Author(s).