Frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) has recently become the most frequently performed ART procedure. Many protocols for endometrial preparation are used, without any evidence-based superiority of one protocol above the others. Most French fertility centers mainly use hormonal replacement treatment (HRT) for endometrial preparation for organizational reasons. According to some studies, early pregnancy losses rate is higher with HRT endometrial preparation for FET than with other protocols, leading to new insights in improving outcomes into ART centers. There is a lack of consensual guidelines regarding the use of HRT for FET: there are various protocols, with different dosages, duration and routes for progesterone (PG) prescription. To date, the vaginal route is the most popular around the world as it gives higher intra-uterine concentration of PG because of the first uterine pass. However, recent scientific publications have pointed the importance of PG measurement in order to detect a lack of PG supplementation. Whatever the route of administration, it seems that a significant proportion of patients do not reach adequate PG concentrations for successful implantation and ongoing pregnancy. Timing of the measurement and ideal serum PG rate to reach are yet to be defined. What treatment strategy to adopt according to the results is still under investigation. Individualization of PG doses and routes of administration could lead to a decrease in miscarriages and better outcome.
Keywords: Artificial cycle; Cycle artificiel; Early pregnancy loss; Fausses couches; Frozen-thawed embryo transfer; Hormonal replacement therapy; Miscarriage; Progesterone; Progestérone; Traitement hormonal substitutif; Transfert d’embryon congelé.
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