Chemical risk assessment relies on toxicity tests that require significant numbers of animals, time and costs. For the >30,000 chemicals in commerce, the current scale of animal testing is insufficient to address chemical safety concerns as regulatory and product stewardship considerations evolve to require more comprehensive understanding of potential biological effects, conditions of use, and associated exposures. We demonstrate the use of a multi-level new approach methodology (NAMs) strategy for hazard- and risk-based prioritization to reduce animal testing. A Level 1/2 chemical prioritization based on estrogen receptor (ER) activity and metabolic activation using ToxCast data was used to select 112 chemicals for testing in a Level 3 human uterine cell estrogen response assay (IKA assay). The Level 3 data were coupled with quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (Q-IVIVE) to support bioactivity determination (as a surrogate for hazard) in a tissue-specific context. Assay AC50s and Q-IVIVE were used to estimate human equivalent doses (HEDs), and HEDs were compared to rodent uterotrophic assay in vivo-derived points of departure (PODs). For substances active both in vitro and in vivo, IKA assay-derived HEDs were lower or equivalent to in vivo PODs for 19/23 compounds (83%). Activity exposure relationships were calculated, and the IKA assay was as or more protective of human health than the rodent uterotrophic assay for all IKA-positive compounds. This study demonstrates the utility of biologically relevant fit-for-purpose assays and supports the use of a multi-level strategy for chemical risk assessment.
Keywords: Estrogen active compounds; Fit-for-purpose in vitro assays; IVIVE; In vitro assays sufficient for risk assessment; Uterine tissue responses.
Copyright © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.