Background: Geriatric patients are increasingly dominating the daily routine in German emergency departments (ED). With their typical characteristics multimorbidity, polypharmacy, vulnerability, frailty and cognitive impairment, especially delirium, they are a special challenge for the processes in the ED. Though some emergency physician might consider "the old patient" as not exciting, there is a broad consensus that pragmatic geriatric screening tools are required. This consensus exists not only among the medical societies but also within the German Society for Emergency Medicine itself. In this article the characteristics of the geriatric patient, the pitfalls of triage systems and the difficulties to screen geriatric patients in a sensible manner are described.
Discussion: The common triage systems and the screening tools that have been developed for geriatric emergency patients have disadvantages. In Manchester Triage System (MTS) and Emergency Severity Index (ESI) geriatric patients are at risk of incorrect triage, though both systems, e.g., name acute cognitive impairment as a high-risk factor. The ESI has been validated for geriatric patients. The correct use of the triage algorithms is crucial, but for a triage nurse, acute cognitive impairment, e.g., might be difficult to identify. One reason for that is that many of the existing screening tools are not applicable in the ED or are without immediate benefit for the patient. More practical tools will have to be developed in the future.
Keywords: Delirium; Emergency treatment; Geriatric patient; Multimorbidity; Polypharmacy.