Purpose: To test a novel bladder health tutorial on use of the Knack for overcoming bladder control challenges. The Knack-tutorial is a self-administered vignette-based instructional program on preempting bladder challenges in daily life (urgency, stress-leakage, or urge-leakage) through anticipatory, well-timed pelvic floor muscle contraction at the moment of challenge. Materials and Methods: This is a randomized controlled trial pilot test of 108 women with stress or mixed urinary incontinence. The Knack-tutorial group saw a 15-minute slide show with 10 vignettes portraying use of the Knack in daily life. The slide show format used inserted narrated videos, dubbed and animation enhanced pictures and cartoons, and automatic slide advancement. A control group saw a similarly constructed slide show on incorporating good diet/exercise habits. Outcomes were self-perceived improvement (yes/no, and as 0%-100%) 1 month after viewing the tutorial. Results: We enrolled 123 women, randomizing 64 to Knack-tutorial group and 59 to diet/exercise tutorial group. Eleven and one participant, respectively, did not return. Three did not fill out the self-perceived improvement report. Significant improvement was reported by 71% in the Knack-tutorial group compared to 25% in the diet/exercise group (p < 0.001). Self-perceived improvement was 21%-22% higher (Model I Est: 21.01, SE: 4.25, p < 0.001) in the Knack-tutorial group. Conclusions: An electronic tutorial viewed independent of a health care provider with vignettes showing Knack application to manage the everyday bladder challenges women face shows benefit of a magnitude that warrants more widespread use and rigorous testing. A professional remake of the intervention is now available (www.myconfidentbladder.com).
Keywords: Kegel; levator ani; mixed incontinence; patient satisfaction; pelvic floor muscle training; virtual education efficacy.