Short peptides are molecules with small molecular weight, capable of penetrating the cell membrane and nuclear membrane for epigenetic regulation of gene expression, including the genes responsible for cell differentiation. The direction of cell differentiation induction depends on the peptide structure and concentration. AEDG and AEDP peptides induce differentiation of pluripotent cells in the epidermis, mesenchyme and nervous tissue. Peptides KE, AED, KED, AEDG and AAAAEKAAAAEKAAAAEK activate neural differentiation. Peptides AEDL and KEDW induce lung and pancreatic cell differentiation. Differentiation of immune cells is stimulated by KE, DS, (Nα-(γ-E)-E), K(Н-E-OH)-OH, AED, KED, EDA, and KEDG peptides. IRW, GRGDS and YCWSQYLCY peptides activate osteogenic differentiation of stem cells. KE, AEDL, and AEDG peptides also induce plant cells differentiation. Short peptides can take part in activation of the signaling pathways regulating expression of differentiation genes. They can interact with histones changing the availability of genes for transcription, regulate gene methylation and activate or inhibit their expression, as well as directly interact with the DNA. Research in the area of directed stem cell differentiation by peptide regulation is of special importance for developing innovative approaches to molecular medicine and cell therapy.
Keywords: Cell differentiation; Epigenetics; Short peptides; Stem cells.