In India, there are marked variations in resources for cervical cancer screening. For the first time, resource-stratified screening guidelines have been developed that will be suitable for low middle-income countries with similar diversities. The current article describes the process and outcomes of these resource stratified guidelines for screening and treatment of preinvasive lesions of cervix. Evidence from literature was collated and various guidelines were reviewed by an expert panel. Based on the level of evidence, guidelines were developed for screening by human papillomavirus (HPV) testing, cytology and visual inspection after application of acetic acid (VIA), and management of screen positive lesions in different resource settings. Expert opinion was used for certain country-specific situations. The healthcare system was stratified into two resource settings - good or limited. The mode of screening and treatment for each was described. HPV testing is the preferred method for cervical cancer screening. VIA by trained providers is especially suitable for low resource settings until an affordable HPV test becomes available. Healthcare providers can choose the most appropriate screening and treatment modality. A single visit approach is encouraged and treatment may be offered based on colposcopy diagnosis ('see and treat') or even on the basis of HPV test or VIA results ('screen and treat'), if compliance cannot be ensured. The Federation of Obsterician and Gynaecologists of India Good Clinical Practice Recommendations (FOGSI) GCPR are appropriately designed for countries with varied resource situations to ensure an acceptable cervical cancer prevention strategy.
Keywords: cervical cancer screening; good clinical practice; prevention; recommendations; resource-based; single visit approach.
© 2019 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.