Professor LI Ying-kun's experiences in treatment of intellectual disability with acupuncture at "yizhi touxue line" is summarized. In the pathogenesis of intellectual disability, the insufficiency of essential qi and the malnutrition of the prenatal essence and the postnatal essence result in the insufficiency of qi of five zang organs. Persistent sickness consumes qi and injures blood. The insufficiency of qi and blood causes the dysfunction of transportation and transformation. Hence, phlegm is produced and mixed with stasis. This disease is localized in the brain and closely related to heart, kidney, spleen and stomach. The "yizhi touxue line" was created on the base of the theory of qi street and the international standard of scalp acupuncture. The satisfactory effect has been achieved in the children with intellectual disability treated by this therapeutic method. In clinical treatment, the syndrome differentiation of the disease should be integrated with the symptoms.
Keywords: LI Ying-kun; acupuncture and moxibustion; experience of famous doctor; intellectual disability; yizhi touxue line.