Objective: evaluation of main foodstuffs consumption levels of residents in particular settlements on radiological- ly contaminated territories of Kyiv, Rivne and Zhytomyr regions and determination of the proportion of local house- holds products to goods purchased in the trade network in the daily ration.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted in 22 settlements of Kyiv, Rivne, Zhytomyr regions. For the study, the questionnaires were written for adults and children, which included 47 questions in 5 content blocks regarding the questionnaire data of the interviewed person; peculiarities of household management; levels of food consumption grown in local households and separately purchased in the trade network; levels of local wildlife products consumption; and the fifth - regarding the possession of information on radiation, received an individual dose of radiation from the «Chornobyl component», protective preventive measures. In total 539 people were inter- viewed, including 359 adults and 180 children aged 1 to 18 years. Information about children under 14 years of age was provided by their parents. Mathematical, statistical methods were used.
Results: According to the results of the survey, it can be stated that the main foodstuffs of residents of the sur- veyed settlements are milk and dairy products, potatoes and root crops of local cultivation, bread and bakery products purchased in the trade network. The analysis of the structure and dynamics of the diet of the popula- tion of the surveyed settlements showed a significant decrease in the consumption levels of basic food products, primarily purchased through the trade network, due to a decline in purchasing power of the population in recent years.
Conclusions: The diet of the residents of the surveyed settlements consists mainly of products produced in private or local households. Fewer people use wildlife products - wildfowl, fish from local water bodies, fresh and canned wild berries, and fresh and dried mushrooms, but due to their significant 137Cs contamination, even small amounts of these products can result in a significant dose of radiation.
Meta. Otsinka rivniv spozhyvannia osnovnykh produktiv kharchovogo ratsionu meshkantsiv okremykh naselenykh punktiv radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriy̆ (RZT) Kyïvs'koï, Rivnens'koï, Zhytomyrs'koï oblastey̆ i vyznachennia u ratsioni chastky produktiv mistsevykh domogospodarstv ta produktiv, prydbanykh u torgoviy̆ merezhi.Materialy ta metody. Doslidzhennia buly provedeni u 22 naselenykh punktakh (NP) Kyïvs'koï, Rivnens'koï, Zhyto- myrs'koï oblastey̆. Dlia doslidzhennia bulo skladeno opytuval'ni lysty doroslykh i ditey̆, iaki vkliuchaly 47 pytan' u 5 zmistovykh blokakh: shchodo anketnykh danykh opytuvanoï osoby; osoblyvostey̆ vedennia domogospodarstva; rivniv spozhyvannia produktiv kharchuvannia, vyroshchenykh u mistsevykh domogospodarstvakh ta, okremo, kuplenykh u torgoviy̆ merezhi; rivniv spozhyvannia mistsevykh produktiv dykoï pryrody; i p’iatyy̆ – shchodo volodinnia informatsiieiu pro radiatsiiu, otrymanu indyvidual'nu dozu oprominennia vid «chornobyl's'koï komponenty», zakhysni profilaktychni zakhody. Us'ogo opytano 539 osib sered iakykh 359 doroslykh ta 180 ditey̆ vikom vid 1 do 18 rokiv. Informatsiiu pro ditey̆ do 14 rokiv nadano ïkh bat'kamy. Vykorystano matematychni, statystychni metody.Rezul'taty. Za rezul'tatamy opytuvannia mozhna stverdzhuvaty, shcho nay̆bil'sh vzhyvanymy produktamy kharchuvan- nia meshkantsiv obstezhenykh NP ie moloko ta molochni produkty, kartoplia ta koreneplody mistsevogo vyroshchuvannia, khlib ta khliboprodukty prydbani v torgoviy̆ merezhi. Analiz struktury i dynamiky kharchovogo ratsionu naselennia obstezhenykh NP pokazav znachne zmenshennia rivniv spozhyvannia osnovnykh kharchovykh produktiv, u pershu chergu, prydbanykh cherez torgovu merezhu, obumovlene znyzhenniam kupivel'noï spromozhnosti naselennia v ostanni roky. Vysnovky. Kharchovyy̆ ratsion meshkantsiv obstezhenykh NP skladaiet'sia perevazhno z produktiv, vyroblenykh u pry- vatnykh abo mistsevykh domogospodarstvakh. Menshe naselennia vzhyvaie produktiv dykoï pryrody – dychyny, ryby z mistsevykh vodoy̆myshch, iagid lisovykh syrykh ta konservovanykh, grybiv svizhykh ta sushenykh, odnak zvazhaiuchy na ïkh suttievu zabrudnenist' 137Cs, navit' neznachni obsiagy spozhyvannia tsykh produktiv mozhut' pryzvesty do formuvan- nia znachnoï dozy oprominennia.
Keywords: diet; foodstuffs consumption levels; irradiation; radiologically contaminated territories.
V. V. Vasylenko, G. M. Zadorozhna, M. S. Kuriata, L. O. Lytvynets, D. V. Novak, L. P. Mishchenko.