Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol. 2019 Dec:24:169-179. doi: 10.33145/2304-8336-2019-24-169-179.
[Article in English, Ukrainian]


Objective: To conduct a comparative analysis of the incidence of MM in the population of the Dnipropetrovsk region, taking into account the possible impact of various adverse environmental factors (air, water and soil con- tamination).

Materials and methods: Epidemiological indicators of multiple myeloma (MM) morbidity in the 12-year observation period from 2006 to 2017 are analyzed in polluted and conventionally clean areas of the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Results: In assessing the dynamics of morbidity in MM for years 2006-2017 there was an increase in the incidence in 2011, 2015 and quite stable indicators for 2006-2010. The analysis of morbidity in the industrial cities of the region showed consistently high rates for the entire period of observation. A marked increase in the incidence rate in the Zhovti Vody (2007, 2012, 2016), Nikopol (2016), Novomoskovsk (2016), Marganets (2008, 2009 and 2017), Pokrov (2016, 2017) from 4.35 to 6.25 was noted. This may indicate a fluctuation in the incidence of MM in sepa- rate large cities of Dnipropetrovsk. The analysis of the dynamics of morbidity in the most polluted cities showed a clear increase in the number of cases in the MM in Zhovti Vody, which is characterized by radiation pollution. According to the average annual morbidity rate among cities of Dnipropetrovsk region, Pokrov takes the first place, the second - Zhovti Vody.

Conclusions: The obtained data testify to the fluctuation in the incidence of MM in the Dnipropetrovsk region during the period 2006-2017 and the negative environmental factors clearly affect the growth of morbidity in large industrialized cities contaminated with radioactive and chemical substances.

Meta: provesty porivnial'nyy̆ analiz zakhvoriuvanosti na mnozhynnu miielomu (MM) sered naselennia Dnipropet- rovs'koï oblasti z urakhuvanniam mozhlyvogo vplyvu riznykh nespryiatlyvykh ekologichnykh faktoriv dovkillia (za- brudnenist' povitria, vody ta gruntiv).Materialy ta metody. Proanalizovano epidemiologichni pokaznyky zakhvoriuvanosti na MM za 12-richnyy̆ period sposterezhennia (z 2006 po 2017 rr.) v zabrudnenykh ta umovno chystykh ray̆onakh Dnipropetrovs'koï oblasti. Rezul'taty. Pry otsintsi dynamiky zakhvoriuvanosti na MM za rokamy za period 2006–2017 rr. vidmichalosia pidvy- shchennia zakhvoriuvanosti v 2011 r., 2015 r. i dosyt' stabil'ni pokaznyky za 2006–2010 rr. Analiz zakhvoriuvanosti v promyslovykh mistakh oblasti pokazav stabil'no vysoki pokaznyky za ves' period sposterezhennia. Vidmicheno rizke pidvyshchennia pokaznyka zakhvoriuvanosti v mistakh Zhovti Vody (2007, 2012, 2016), Nikopol' (2016), Novomos- kovs'k (2016), Marganets' (2008, 2009 ta 2017), Pokrov (2016, 2017) – vid 4,35 do 6,25. Tse mozhe svidchyty pro fluktuatsiiu zakhvoriuvanosti na MM v okremo vziatykh velykykh mistakh Dnipropetrovshchyny. Analiz dynamiky zakhvo- riuvanosti v nay̆bil'sh zabrudnenykh mistakh pokazav chitke pidvyshchennia kil'kosti vypadkiv zakhvoriuvanosti na MM v m. Zhovti Vody, iake kharakteryzuiet'sia radiatsiy̆nym zabrudnenniam. Za rey̆tyngom seredn'orichnoï zakhvoriuvanosti sered mist Dnipropetrovshchyny, pershe mistse zay̆maie Pokrov, druge – Zhovti Vody.Vysnovky. Otrymani dani svidchat' pro fluktuatsiiu zakhvoriuvanosti na MM u Dnipropetrovs'kiy̆ oblasti za period 2006–2017 rr. i te, shcho negatyvni faktory navkolyshn'ogo seredovyshcha odnoznachno vplyvaiut' na zrostannia za- khvoriuvanosti u velykykh promyslovykh mistakh, zabrudnenykh radioaktyvnymy ta khimichnymy rechovynamy.

Keywords: morbidity; multiple myeloma; radiation.

MeSH terms

  • Environmental Monitoring / methods*
  • Environmental Pollutants / analysis*
  • Humans
  • Incidence
  • Morbidity / trends
  • Multiple Myeloma / epidemiology*
  • Radioactive Pollutants / analysis*
  • Rural Population / statistics & numerical data
  • Ukraine / epidemiology
  • Urban Population / statistics & numerical data


  • Environmental Pollutants
  • Radioactive Pollutants