Compensation of Hysteresis in the Piezoelectric Nanopositioning Stage under Reciprocating Linear Voltage Based on a Mark-Segmented PI Model

Micromachines (Basel). 2019 Dec 19;11(1):9. doi: 10.3390/mi11010009.


The nanopositioning stage with a piezoelectric driver usually compensates for the nonlinear outer-loop hysteresis characteristic of the piezoelectric effect using the Prandtl-Ishlinskii (PI) model under a single-ring linear voltage, but cannot accurately describe the characteristics of the inner-loop hysteresis under the reciprocating linear voltage. In order to improve the accuracy of the nanopositioning, this study designs a nanopositioning stage with a double-parallel guiding mechanism. On the basis of the classical PI model, the study firstly identifies the hysteresis rate tangent slope mark points, then segments and finally proposes a phenomenological model-the mark-segmented Prandtl-Ishlinskii (MSPI) model. The MSPI model, which is fitted together by each segment, can further improve the fitting accuracy of the outer-loop hysteresis nonlinearity, while describing the inner-loop hysteresis nonlinearity perfectly. The experimental results of the inverse model compensation control show that the MSPI model can achieve 99.6% reciprocating linear voltage inner-loop characteristic accuracy. Compared with the classical PI model, the 81.6% accuracy of the hysteresis loop outer loop is improved.

Keywords: compensation control; mark point recognition; nanopositioning stage; piecewise fitting; piezoelectric hysteresis.