Introduction: Exercise-based interventions have been used to enhance the recovery of burn patients affected by hypermetabolism, muscle wasting and contractures. Although the benefits of exercise in burn population have been previously reported, the extent of exercise prescription in burn patients worldwide remains unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the extent and characteristics of exercise use in specialised and non-specialised burn centres worldwide.
Methods: A web-based survey was developed in English and translated into Spanish and Chinese languages. Distribution of the surveys was made via email using personal contacts of the authors and through six scientific societies related to burn care in 2018. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and comparisons between frequency distribution on variables of interest using the Chi-Square test and contingency tables.
Results: One hundred and fifty-six surveys were completed (103 from the English version, 20 from the Chinese version, and 33 from the Spanish version). The response rate varied from 36.2% (English version) to 9.3% (Chinese version). Fifty eight percent of the surveyed clinicians worked in cities of 1 million inhabitants or more, and 92.3% worked in hospital-based burn centres. Exercise was used by 64.1% of the participants at the intensive care unit level, 75% in burn wards prior to complete wound healing, and 80.1% in rehabilitation units after wound healing. The type of exercise offered, parameters assessed, and characteristics of exercise programs varied notably among burn centres and clinicians consulted.
Conclusion: The majority of the surveyed clinicians used exercise for rehabilitation of patients following burn injuries. Further investigation is required to elucidate the access to exercise interventions prescribed by health professionals in remote areas, in less developed countries, and the extent of home-based exercise performed by patients.
Keywords: Burns; Exercise; Rehabilitation; Survey; World.
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