This paper proposes a modular architecture for articulatory synthesis from a gestural specification comprising relatively simple models for the vocal tract, the glottis, aero-acoustics, and articulatory control. The vocal tract module combines a midsagittal statistical analysis articulatory model, derived by factor analysis of air-tissue boundaries in real-time magnetic resonance imaging data, with an αβ model for converting midsagittal section to area function specifications. The aero-acoustics and glottis models were based on a software implementation of classic work by Maeda. The articulatory control module uses dynamical systems, which implement articulatory gestures, to animate the statistical articulatory model, inspired by the task dynamics model. Results on synthesizing vowel-consonant-vowel sequences with plosive consonants, using models that were built on data from, and simulate the behavior of, two different speakers are presented.