One-fourth of all women suffer from breast disease in their lifetime. World Health Organization estimated that over 508,000 women died in 2011 due to breast cancer worldwide.For several years, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was the most practiced method for the pathological diagnosis of breast lump specially differentiation of benign from malignant. The advent of core needle or True-Cut biopsy (TCB) in the new millennium has resulted in many surgeons switching to TCB since it provides a sufficient amount of tissue for pathologists to make an accurate histological diagnosis.During the study period, patients present with clinically palpable breast lump admitted in different surgicalunits of MMCH, among them 100 patients selected purposively. Then a prospective comparative study was carried out in the Department of Surgery, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh, Bangladesh from September 2017 to February 2018. Out of a total of 100 patients, who presented with suspicious breast lump, as clinically diagnosed 68 patients had benign breast lump and 32 patients had malignant breast lump. FNAC confirmed the diagnosis of breast carcinoma in 27 patients with sensitivity 89.65% and specificity 66.66%. True-cut biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of breast carcinoma in 29 patients with sensitivity 96.66% and specificity 100%. It also gave the definitive histological type and grade which correlated with the final histopathology report in 29 out of the 30 patientsTCB also provides adequate tissue for the evaluation of molecular markers which have extreme therapeutic value.