Objective: To explore the genetic basis of an infant featuring congenital cataract, developmental delay and proteinuria.
Methods: Clinical data and peripheral blood samples of the family were collected. Potential variants were screened by using targeted capture and high-throughput sequencing on a NextSeq 500 platform. Suspected variant was verified by quantitative PCR. Pathogenicity of the candidate variant was predicted based on clinical presentation and laboratory tests.
Results: The infant's phenotypes included brain development retardation and proteinuria. Cranial MRI indicated widening of cerebral fissure, bilateral frontal and temporal subarachnoid cavities, and dysplasia of white matter myelination in posterior angular of ventricle. A novel duplication of exons 5 to 16 of the OCRL gene was found in the patient. His mother has carried the same duplication variant.
Conclusion: The duplication variant of the OCRL gene probably underlies the oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome in the infant. Due to the heterogeneity of its clinical manifestation, pertinent genetic detection is essential for acurrate diagnosis of patients who have the related phenotypes.