Objective: To understand the etiology of hepatopathy of unknown etiology in patients undergoing liver biopsy. Methods: Demographic data and pathological examination reports of patients with hepatopathy of unknown etiology who underwent liver biopsy examination at outpatient and inpatient of the Second Hospital of Nanjing between January 2017 and June 2018 were retrospectively collected. All liver histopathological sections combined with clinical and pathological features based on liver biopsy examinations were diagnosed by a reputed clinician and a pathologist. Results: A total of 470 cases with hepatopathy of unknown etiology who underwent liver biopsy were enrolled. Of these, 425 cases (90.4%) had a definite diagnosed disease after comprehensive analysis of pathological and clinical data. The diagnosis of hepatopathy of unknown etiology included 11 diseases: 90 cases with autoimmune hepatitis had autoimmune liver disease (19.1%), 38 cases had primary biliary cholangitis (8.1%), 43 cases with overlap syndrome of autoimmune hepatitis had primary biliary cholangitis (9.1%), 118 cases had drug-induced liver injury (25.1%), 75 cases had nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (16.0%), 12 cases had alcoholic liver disease (2.6 cases) %), 15 cases (3.2%) had vascular liver disease, 7 cases (1.5%) had hereditary metabolic liver disease, 5 cases (1.1%) had other systemic diseases, 16 cases (3.4%) had more than two kinds of liver diseases, and 6 cases (1.3%) had others rare liver diseases. Conclusion: Over 90% cause of the hepatopathy of unknown etiology in the long run can be determined, and the main causes are autoimmune liver disease, drug-induced liver injury, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which needs multidisciplinary cooperation to diagnose, and clinicians need to master the basic and clinical knowledge of liver diseases as well as liver pathology, hepatobiliary imaging, and genetics.
目的: 了解不明原因肝病中行肝穿刺活组织病理学检查的患者疾病病因构成。 方法: 回顾性收集自2017年1月至2018年6月于南京市第二医院门诊就诊及住院的"不明原因肝病"并行肝穿刺活组织病理学检查的患者资料,收集人口学资料及病理学检查报告,所有肝穿刺组织病理学切片均经1名临床医生与1名病理学医生结合临床和病理学特征做出诊断。 结果: 行肝穿刺活组织病理学检查的不明原因肝病患者资料共收集到470例,综合分析患者病理学及临床资料后,明确疾病诊断的患者425例(90.4%)。"不明原因肝病"的诊断构成包括11类疾病,自身免疫性肝病中的自身免疫性肝炎90例(19.1%)、原发性胆汁性胆管炎38例(8.1%)、自身免疫性肝炎-原发性胆汁性胆管炎重叠综合征43例(9.1%),药物性肝损伤118例(25.1%),非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)75例(16.0%),酒精性肝病12例(2.6%),血管性肝病15例(3.2%),遗传代谢性肝病7例(1.5%),其他系统疾病累及肝脏5例(1.1%),同时合并2种以上肝病16例(3.4%),其他少见肝病6例(1.3%)。 结论: 90%以上的"不明原因肝病"最终可明确病因,主要病因为自身免疫性肝病、药物性肝损伤、非酒精性脂肪性肝病,诊断时需要多学科协作,临床医生需掌握肝脏疾病的基础和临床知识并了解肝脏病理学、肝胆系统影像学、遗传学等多方面的知识。.
Keywords: Biopsy, needle; Pathology; Unknow etiology hepatopathy.