Introduction: Acupuncture has become a relevant complementary and alternative treatment for acute migraine; however, the neurophysiological mechanism (C-fibers) underlying this effect remains unclear. C-fibers play a crucial role for diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC) at wide dynamic range (WDR) neurons in the trigeminocervical complex (TCC) in migraine attacks, and we supposed that this may be the mechanism of acupuncture analgesia. This study aimed to examine the neurophysiology of acupuncture intervention in an acute migraine rat model.
Methods: Inflammatory soup (IS) or saline was injected into the dura mater to establish a migraine and control model in rats. To explore the neurobiological mechanism of acupuncture for migraine, we implemented electro-acupuncture (EA), non-electric-stimulation acupuncture, and no-acupuncture in IS and saline injected rats, and recorded the single-cell extraneural neurophysiology of the atlas (C1) spinal dorsal horn neurons in the TCC.
Results: Our research shows that electro-acupuncture at GB8 (Shuaigu), located in the periorbital region receptive field of the trigeminal nerve, may rapidly reduce the C-fiber evoked WDR neuronal discharges of the TCC within 60 s.
Discussion: This study provides pioneering evidence of a potential neurobiological mechanism for the analgesic effect on migraine attacks achieved by electro-acupuncture intervention via DNIC. The data indicates that EA may become a crucial supplementary and alternative therapy for migraineurs that failed to respond to acute medications, e.g., fremanezumab, which achieves its analgesic effect via modulating Aσ-fibers, not C-fibers.
Keywords: C-fiber; Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls; Electro-acupuncture; Migraine; The trigeminocervical complex; Wide dynamic range neurons.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.