Purpose of review: High resolution esophageal manometry (HRM) has expanded understanding of esophageal motor function. The Chicago Classification scheme has allowed systematic categorization of the myriad of manometric parameters identified during HRM. Multichannel intraluminal impedance pH has enhanced ambulatory reflux monitoring through complete assessment of esophageal content transit. However, the clinical implications of identified minor esophageal functional disorders remain unclear.
Recent findings: Esophagogastric junction outlet obstruction is defined by esophagogastric junction obstruction with preserved peristalsis and may be managed expectantly, or in a manner similar to achalasia. Hypercontractile esophagus has been associated with dysphagia and non-cardiac chest pain, but the clinical significance is unclear as a majority of patients will improve without specific therapy. Additionally, these findings may be confounded by chronic opiate use. Ineffective esophageal motility is characterized by diminished esophageal contraction amplitude, potentially causing dysphagia and GERD. However, this is commonly identified in asymptomatic volunteers and may represent a normal variant. The multiple rapid swallow sequence can assess esophageal contraction reserve, which may predict post fundoplication dysphagia. The post-swallow induced peristaltic wave can serve as a surrogate of gastric refluxate clearance, providing important prognostic value. However, the associated time burden and lack of alternative therapeutic options limit its clinical utility.
Summary: Minor esophageal functional disorders provide new therapeutic targets for symptomatic patients. However, these findings have inconsistent associations with symptoms and poorly defined therapeutic options. Minor esophageal function disorders should not be interpreted in isolation, with management decisions accounting for clinical, endoscopic, and radiographic factors in addition.
Keywords: Esophageal motility; Minor functional esophageal functional disorders.
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020