Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of internal fixation of lateral and medial borders for displaced scapular body fractures via the minimally invasive approach.
Methods: The internal fixation of lateral and medial borders via minimally invasive approach was applied in surgical treatment of 23 patients with scapular body comminuted fractures from January 2014 to June 2018. The lateral approach was made straightly orienting over the lateral border of scapula. The dissection was taken down to the deltoid fascia. The deltoid was retracted cephalically, revealing the external rotators. Blunt dissection was used down to the lateral border between infraspinatus and teres minor, exposing the fracture site. The medial incision was done along the medial border of the scapula over site of the fracture. Dissections were taken down to the fascia and the periosteum. A subperiosteal dissection was then performed to elevate the infraspinatus to the degree necessary to visualize the fracture. The medial and lateral borders of scapula body were fixed with plates and screws in a frame-like way.
Results: One patient developed the delayed healing of the incisions due to liquefactive fat necrosis. The other 22 patients showed no complications of the incisions. The glenopolar angle (GPA) of fractured scapula was increased from preoperative (25±12) degrees to postoperative (41±5) degrees (P<0.01). The healing time of fractures healed was 3-8 months, with an average time of (4.4±1.3) months.
Conclusions: The lateral-medial combined fixation through minimally invasive surgical approach for the scapula body fractures allows visualization of fracture reduction without extensive muscular or subcutaneous flaps, and is associated with successful fracture healing and high functional scores of the shoulder.
目的: 分析内、外侧微创切口双柱固定治疗肩胛骨体部移位骨折的临床疗效。
方法: 2014年1月至2018年6月采用内、外侧微创切口手术治疗肩胛骨体部移位骨折患者23例。外侧切口:沿肩胛骨外侧缘、外柱骨折线向上牵开三角肌后部,自小圆肌与冈下肌间隙显露出肩胛骨外缘。内侧切口:沿肩胛骨内侧缘、内柱骨折线顺斜方肌纤维分离,经菱形肌与冈下肌肩胛骨附丽点间隙分离进入,显露肩胛骨内侧缘。两柱均用钢板螺丝钉进行框架式内固定。
结果: 除1例患者的切口脂肪液化经二次处理后愈合,其余所有患者切口一期愈合。骨折肩胛骨盂极角术前为(25±12)°,术后为(41±5)°,差异有统计学意义( P < 0.01)。骨折愈合时间为3~8个月,平均(4.4±1.3)个月。
结论: 采用内、外侧联合双柱内固定手术治疗肩胛骨体部移位骨折便于骨折显露、复位和可靠固定,且软组织剥离少,患者骨折愈合率高,功能恢复良好。