The human brain shows remarkable complexity in its cellular makeup and function, which are distinct from nonhuman species, signifying the need for human-based research platforms for the study of human cellular neurophysiology and neuropathology. However, the use of adult human brain tissue for research purposes is hampered by technical, methodological, and accessibility challenges. One of the major problems is the limited number of in vitro systems that, in contrast, are readily available from rodent brain tissue. With recent advances in the optimization of protocols for adult human brain preparations, there is a significant opportunity for neuroscientists to validate their findings in human-based systems. This review addresses the methodological aspects, advantages, and disadvantages of human neuron in vitro systems, focusing on the unique properties of human neurons and synapses in neocortical microcircuits. These in vitro models provide the incomparable advantage of being a direct representation of the neurons that have formed part of the human brain until the point of recording, which cannot be replicated by animal models nor human stem-cell systems. Important distinct cellular mechanisms are observed in human neurons that may underlie the higher order cognitive abilities of the human brain. The use of human brain tissue in neuroscience research also raises important ethical, diversity, and control tissue limitations that need to be considered. Undoubtedly however, these human neuron systems provide critical information to increase the potential of translation of treatments from the laboratory to the clinic in a way animal models are failing to provide.
Keywords: acute brain slice; adult human neurons; organotypic slice culture; primary neuronal culture; synaptic transmission.