Using data obtained from domestic and foreign sources, we formed a set of primers and fluorogenic probes for analyzing twentysix specific sequence polymorphisms and one reference gene. In the course of evaluating the effectiveness of real-time PCR, using the example of one of the markers (S01a), we obtained the optimal amount of DNA per reaction (70 ng), providing a resolution of at least 0.1% of the method with the ability to estimate linear chimerism. Formed panel of primers for genetic polymorphisms - InDel has a high degree of informational content for donor-recipient pairs of Russia. From January 2018 to June 2019, a quantitative assessment of the level of linear (CD3 +, CD34 +) and general chimerism was carried out for 28 patients of the clinic of the Institution. Finally, we analyzed patients who received allografts and present 4 different clinical situations that illustrate the informativity level of this method.
Keywords: InDel polymorphisms; quantitative assessment of chimerism; real-time PCR.