In-Field Calibration of Triaxial Accelerometer Basedon Beetle Swarm Antenna Search Algorithm

Sensors (Basel). 2020 Feb 10;20(3):947. doi: 10.3390/s20030947.


Traditional calibration method is usually performed with expensive equipments suchas three-axis turntable in a laboratory environment. However in practice, in order to ensure theaccuracy and stability of the inertial navigation system (INS), it is usually necessary to recalibratethe inertial measurement unit (IMU) without external equipment in the field. In this paper, anew in-field recalibration method for triaxial accelerometer based on beetle swarm antenna search(BSAS) algorithm is proposed. Firstly, as a new intelligent optimization algorithm, BSAS algorithmand its improvements based on basic beetle antennae search (BAS) algorithm are introduced indetail. Secondly, the nonlinear mathematical model of triaxial accelerometer is established forhigher calibration accuracy, and then 24 optimal measurement positions are designed by theoreticalanalysis. In addition, the calibration procedures are improved according to the characteristics of BSASalgorithm, then 15 calibration parameters in the nonlinear method are optimized by BSAS algorithm.Besides, the results of BSAS algorithm and basic BAS algorithm are compared by simulation, whichshows the priority of BSAS algorithm in calibration field. Finally, two experiments demonstrate thatthe proposed method can achieve high precision in-field calibration without any external equipment,and meet the accuracy requirements of the INS.

Keywords: beetle swarm antenna search algorithm; calibration; inertial measurement unit; intelligent optimization algorithm; triaxial accelerometer.