Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a complex chronic disorder characterized symptomatically by burning sensation mainly localized in the tongue with no specific lesions. Its etiology is not fully understood. Due to the persistent pain and unsatisfactory outcome of treatment, patients with high expectation when seeking medical advice easily feel discontent after treatment, which might cause medical dispute. This review introduces the epidemiology, manifestations, etiology, diagnosis, classification and treatment of BMS. The authors hope the current advances about BMS, mainly focus on the etiology of biological nerve and social psychology, may help the clinicians in treatment of BMS.
灼口综合征(burning mouth syndrome,BMS)病因尚不明确,尚无有效的治疗方法,临床患者日渐增多。BMS是以舌部为主要发病部位,以烧灼样疼痛为典型表现的一组综合征。常不伴有明显的临床损害体征;无特征性的组织病理变化。由于持续的疼痛困扰以及不理想的用药效果,患者就医时往往有较高的期望值,就医后容易有较大的失望感,存在医患纠纷的隐患。作者对BMS的流行病学现状、临床表现、病因、分型、诊断标准及治疗等方面进行综述,以期对BMS的临床诊疗提供指导。.
Keywords: Burning mouth syndrome; Diagnosis; Etiology; Glossodynia; Treatment.