[Medical subject headings for the scientific groups evolution analysis on the example of academician A.I. Archakov's scientific school]

Biomed Khim. 2020 Jan;66(1):7-17. doi: 10.18097/PBMC20206601007.
[Article in Russian]


This paper proposes a method of comparative analysis of scientific trajectories based on bibliographic profiles. The bibliographic profile ("meshprint") is a list of MeSH terms (key terms used to index articles in the PubMed), indicating the relative frequency of occurrence of each term in the scientist's articles. Comparison of personalized bibliographic profiles can be represented in the form of a semantic network, where the nodes are the names of scientists, and the relationships are proportional to the calculated measures of similarity of bibliographic profiles. The proposed method was used to analyze the semantic network of scientists united by the academic school of the academician A.I. Archakov. The results of the work allowed us to show the relationship between the scientific trajectories of one scientific school and to correlate the results with world trends.

Predlozhen metod sravnitel'nogo analiza nauchnykh traektoriĭ uchenykh na osnove bibliograficheskogo profilia (t.n. “meshprint”), kotoryĭ predstavliaet soboĭ perechen' terminov MeSH (kliuchevye terminy, ispol'zuemye dlia indeksatsii stateĭ v biblioteke biomeditsinskikh tekstov PubMed) s ukazaniem otnositel'noĭ chastoty vstrechaemosti kazhdogo termina v stat'iakh uchenogo. Sopostavlenie personalizirovannykh bibliograficheskikh profileĭ mozhno predstavit' v vide semanticheskoĭ seti, gde uzlami iavliaiutsia familii uchenykh, a sviazi proportsional'ny rasschitannym meram skhodstva bibliograficheskikh profileĭ. Dannyĭ metod byl ispol'zovan dlia analiza semanticheskoĭ seti uchenykh, ob"edinennykh nauchnoĭ shkoloĭ akademika A.I. Archakova. Rezul'taty raboty pozvolili pokazat' vzaimosviazi mezhdu nauchnymi traektoriiami odnoĭ nauchnoĭ shkoly i sootnesti rezul'taty s mirovymi trendami razvitiia nauchnykh napravleniĭ.

Keywords: MeSH; medical subject headings; research trajectory; semantic networks; sociology; text analysis; text-mining.

MeSH terms

  • Algorithms*
  • Bibliometrics*
  • Medical Subject Headings*
  • PubMed
  • Publishing / trends*