Background: Clinical trials show high efficacy of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (SOF/VEL), but there are limited data from "real-world" settings. We aimed to evaluate SOF/VEL effectiveness for all hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes (GTs) in British Columbia (BC), Canada.
Methods: We used the BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort, which includes all HCV cases in the province (1990-2015) linked to administrative databases, including prescriptions to end of 2018. We measured sustained virologic response (SVR; negative RNA ≥10 weeks after treatment end) and identified characteristics associated with non-SVR. Conservatively, we excluded individuals with no assessment for SVR if their last RNA test after treatment initiation was negative (but included if positive).
Results: Of 2821 eligible participants, most were infected with GT1 (1076, 38.1%) or GT3 (1072, 38.0%), and a minority (278, 9.9%) were treated with RBV. SVR was 94.6% (2670/2821) overall and 94.5% (1017/1076) for GT1, 96.4% (512/531) for GT2, and 93.7% (1004/1072) for GT3. When disaggregated by GT, treatment regimen, and cirrhosis/treatment experience, SVR was lowest (30/40, 75.0%) among treatment-experienced GT3 individuals treated with RBV. Characteristics associated with non-SVR in multivariable analysis included younger age, RBV addition, and being a person with HIV (PWH) or who injects/injected drugs (PWID). When treatment regimen (±RBV) was removed from multivariable model, treatment experience was associated with non-SVR for GT3. Of 151 non-SVR individuals, 56.3% were nonvirological failures (treatment incomplete/no assessment for SVR) and 43.7% were virological failures (nonresponse/relapse). A disproportionately high percentage of non-SVR among PWID was due to nonvirological failure.
Conclusions: SOF/VEL was highly effective in this "real-world" population-based cohort. Additional support is required for PWID/PWH to reach SVR.
Keywords: administrative data; hepatitis C; observational study; ribavirin; sofosbuvir; treatment effectiveness; velpatasvir.
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Infectious Diseases Society of America.