Introduction: The study objective was to evaluate the intraoperative 50% decrease in PTH level ± PTH normalization for its accuracy and efficiency in predicting cure during parathyroidectomy (PTx) for the treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP).
Methods: A retrospective review of patients undergoing PTx was conducted. The timepoints at which the 50% PTH decrease was reached were recorded. The accuracy of intraoperative PTH for predicting cure, defined as normocalcemia at 6 months postoperatively, was evaluated.
Results: The study population was made up of 248 PHP patients, with 247 patients achieving normocalcemia at 6 months postoperatively. If a 50% PTH decrease was used to indicate operation conclusion, 1 patient would not be cured. Persistent PTH elevation above normal range at T10 had a PPV of 77%, NPV of 99.5%, sensitivity of 95.2% and specificity of 97.3% for predicting the presence of a contralateral pathological parathyroid gland. For the study cohort, 24.5 h of cumulative operating time would be saved if the 50% PTH decrease triggered operation conclusion.
Discussion: A decrease in the pre-excision PTH level to 50% of the baseline level, or a decrease in the higher of the baseline or pre-excision PTH levels by 50% at 5 or 10 min post pathological parathyroid gland removal, regardless of whether the PTH level normalizes, reliably predicts cure from PHP and should be used to guide the surgeon during parathyroidectomy.
Keywords: PTH; Parathyroid; Parathyroidectomy; Primary hyperparathyroidism.
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