Objective: Sympathoadrenal activity is decreased during overnight rest. This study assessed whether urinary-free normetanephrine, metanephrine and methoxytyramine in overnight/first-morning urine collections might offer an alternative to measurements in 24-h collections or plasma for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL).
Design and methods: Prospective multicenter cross-sectional diagnostic study involving 706 patients tested for PPGL, in whom tumors were confirmed in 79 and excluded in 627 after follow-up. Another 335 age- and sex-matched volunteers were included for reference purposes. Catecholamines and their free O-methylated metabolites were measured in 24-h collections divided according to waking and sleeping hours and normalized to creatinine. Plasma metabolites from blood sampled after supine rest were measured for comparison.
Results: Urinary outputs of norepinephrine, normetanephrine, epinephrine and metanephrine in the reference population were respectively 50 (48-52)%, 35 (32-37)%, 76 (74-78)% and 15 (12-17)% lower following overnight than daytime collections. Patients in whom PPGLs were excluded showed 28 (26-30)% and 6 (3-9)% day-to-night falls in normetanephrine and metanephrine, while patients with PPGLs showed no significant day-to-night falls in metabolites. Urinary methoxytyramine was consistently unchanged from day to night. According to receiver-operating characteristic curves, diagnostic accuracy of metabolite measurements in overnight/first-morning urine samples did not differ from measurements in 24-h urine collections, but was lower for both than for plasma. Using optimized reference intervals, diagnostic specificity was higher for overnight than daytime collections at similar sensitivities.
Conclusions: Measurements of urinary-free catecholamine metabolites in first-morning/overnight urine collections offer an alternative for diagnosis of PPGL to 24-h collections but remain less accurate than plasma measurements.