Introduction: Individual reactions to a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can vary in a wide range of both adaptive and maladaptive responses. Understanding such reactions to diagnosis is important to maximize adaptive responses that can promote continued independence.
Methods: In this pilot study, the Aging and Memory Quality of Life survey was developed to facilitate an understanding of adaptive and maladaptive behaviors results from a diagnosis of MCI. The Aging and Memory Quality of Life was administered to 45 individuals diagnosed with MCI and 45 cognitively normal participants serving as control subjects matched for age, sex, and education. Study partners were surveyed to collect corroborating and or discrepant observer responses.
Results: Inconsistent with study partners' reporting, MCI subjects may be underreporting physical limitations, and overreporting medication compliance. MCI subjects identified challenges to managing financial affairs.
Discussion: Developing strategies to circumvent the development of maladaptive behaviors could significantly reduce morbidity and mortality in MCI patients.