Quantum Critical Point in the Itinerant Ferromagnet Ni_{1-x}Rh_{x}

Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Mar 20;124(11):117203. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.117203.


We report a chemical substitution-induced ferromagnetic quantum critical point in polycrystalline Ni_{1-x}Rh_{x} alloys. Through magnetization and muon spin relaxation measurements, we show that the ferromagnetic ordering temperature is suppressed continuously to zero at x_{crit}=0.375 while the magnetic volume fraction remains 100% up to x_{crit}, pointing to a second order transition. Non-Fermi liquid behavior is observed close to x_{crit}, where the electronic specific heat C_{el}/T diverges logarithmically, while immediately above x_{crit} the volume thermal expansion coefficient α_{V}/T and the Grüneisen ratio Γ=α_{V}/C_{el} both diverge logarithmically in the low temperature limit, further indication of a ferromagnetic quantum critical point in Ni_{1-x}Rh_{x}.