The application of nanomaterials in the biological and medical areas has attracted great attention. Cytotoxicity, stability and solubility are the prerequisites for a nanomaterial to be considered for application in the field of biomedicine. Here, we suggest a simple method to produce highly dispersed water-soluble ultrathin h-BN nanoplates whose size measures ca. 30-60 nm in diameter and 1.6 nm in thickness. Moreover, we demonstrate that h-BN nanoplates can act as a reliable biological nanovector to carry proteins by cross-linking immobilization. Furthermore, the biocompatibility of h-BN nanoplates has also been explored via an apoptosis assay. In addition, a successful attempt has been made to investigate the potency of h-BN nanoplates as an immunostimulating adjuvant in a mouse immunization experiment. Preliminary results show that the level of antibody response stimulated by an antigen protein (bovine serum albumin) linked with h-BN is ca. 4 times higher than that by the antigen protein alone. This work gives evidence that water-soluble h-BN nanoplates are of high biocompatibility and low reactogenicity and therefore they can serve as an excellent biomedical platform for nanoparticle-biomolecular interactions. They preserve and even enhance the bioacitivities of the cross-linked antigen proteins, which strongly suggests their use in nanoparticle vaccine design.