Edwardsiella ictaluri causes enteric septicemia of catfish. Our group developed two E. ictaluri live attenuated vaccines (LAVs). However, their effects on the innate functions of catfish B cells are still unexplored. We evaluated phagocytosis and killing of wild-type (WT) E. ictaluri opsonized with sera from vaccinated fish and the survival of B cells exposed to E. ictaluri strains. We assessed phagocytosis of the opsonized WT at 30 °C and 4 °C. B cells killed the internalized E. ictaluri opsonized with sera from vaccinated fish with LAVs more efficiently than other groups at 30 °C. However, catfish B cells were unable to destroy E. ictaluri at 4 °C. Furthermore, E. ictaluri opsonized with serum from fish exposed to WT induce apoptosis and decreased live B cells numbers. Results indicate that opsonization of E. ictaluri with sera from vaccinated fish enhanced phagocytosis and killing activity in B cells and inhibited apoptotic changes in the infected B cells.
Keywords: Apoptosis; Catfish B cells; Innate functions; Live attenuated vaccines; Opsonization; Protection.
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