Background: Symptoms of depression and anxiety are common in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and associated with more severe OCD, greater impairment, and worse treatment outcome. Beyond twin studies showing that genetic factors contribute to the high co-occurrence, few studies have examined how OCD, depression, and anxiety are linked in youth, and current studies often fail to account for OCD and anxiety heterogeneity.
Methods: Network analysis was used to investigate how OCD were linked to depression and anxiety in multinational youth diagnosed with OCD (total n = 419) and in school-recruited, community-based samples of youth (total n = 2 991).
Results: Initial results aligned with earlier work showing that severity of obsession-related symptoms are important in linking OCD to depression in youth with OCD. However, when symptom content of OCD (e.g., washing, ordering) was fully taken into account and when measures of anxiety were included, specific OCD symptom dimensions (primarily obsessing and doubting/checking) were linked to specific anxiety dimensions (primarily panic and generalized anxiety) which in turn were linked to depression. These results were replicated in three separate community-based samples from Chile, Italy, and Spain using different measures of anxiety and depression.
Limitations: Cross-sectional data were analyzed which precludes causal inference. Self-report measures were used.
Conclusions: Youth with OCD with symptoms related to doubting/checking and obsessing should be carefully assessed for symptoms of panic and generalized anxiety. Non-responders to standard OCD treatment may benefit from interventions targeting panic and generalized anxiety, but more research is needed to test this hypothesis.
Keywords: Anxiety; Children; Comorbidity; Depression; OCD.
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