Correction to: International survey on influenza-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (IAPA) in intensive care units: responses suggest low awareness and potential underdiagnosis outside Europe
1 KU Leuven Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics, Leuven, Belgium.
2 KU Leuven Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Laboratory for Clinical Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders, Herestraat 49, 3000, Leuven, Belgium.
3 Mycotic Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA.
4 Department of Medical Microbiology, Radboudumc Center of Infectious Diseases (RCI) Netherlands; Centre of Expertise in Mycology, Radboudumc/CWZ, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
5 KU Leuven Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Laboratory for Clinical Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders, Herestraat 49, 3000, Leuven, Belgium. [email protected].
In the publication of this article [1], there was an error in Fig. 1 which caused that the a, b were switched and 'b' was missing as a caption on Fig. 1b.