Tea plant is an important economic crop, which is used to produce the world's oldest and most widely consumed tea beverages. Here, we present a high-quality reference genome assembly of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis) consisting of 15 pseudo-chromosomes. LTR retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) account for 70.38% of the genome, and we present evidence that LTR-RTs play critical roles in genome size expansion and the transcriptional diversification of tea plant genes through preferential insertion in promoter regions and introns. Genes, particularly those coding for terpene biosynthesis proteins, associated with tea aroma and stress resistance were significantly amplified through recent tandem duplications and exist as gene clusters in tea plant genome. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences of 81 tea plant accessions with diverse origins revealed three well-differentiated tea plant populations, supporting the proposition for the southwest origin of the Chinese cultivated tea plant and its later spread to western Asia through introduction. Domestication and modern breeding left significant signatures on hundreds of genes in the tea plant genome, particularly those associated with tea quality and stress resistance. The genomic sequences of the reported reference and resequenced tea plant accessions provide valuable resources for future functional genomics study and molecular breeding of improved cultivars of tea plants.
Keywords: adaptive evolution; comparative genomics; genome evolution; tea plant; tea quality.
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