Mortality rates for pseudoaneurysm (PSA) rupture are high and immediate intervention in the form of embolization can be life saving for the patient. Adrenal artery PSAs are rare with scarce references in literature. These arteries are small in caliber and require modification of the cannulation techniques for endovascular access. In situations, where the distal artery cannot be cannulated or the ostium cannot be negotiated, and percutaneous direct needle puncture (PDNP) techniques can be used. We discuss two patients with adrenal artery PSA that presented to us and their successful embolization with N-butyl cyanoacrylate through endovascular and PDNP techniques along with relevant review of the literature.
Keywords: Adrenal artery; Embolization; Pseudoaneurysm.
© 2020 Published by Scientific Scholar on behalf of Journal of Clinical Imaging Science.