Novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) infection (COVID-19) rapidly spread across China and 25 countries in the worldwide, which infected not only adults but also children, even neonates. Each year, about 15 million newborns are delivered in China. Newborn screening (NBS) helps effectively prevent some mental retardation, premature death, and adverse outcomes in the early stage of baby, which could detect some inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs). During this COVID-19 epidemic, how to balance the risk of infected 2019-nCov and the risk of disability and teratogenesis of IMDs. Expert members of NBS extra quality assessment in National Clinical Center of Laboratory (NCCL) give a brief consensus for NBS of IMDs in the COVID-2019 epidemic, hoping that the brief consensus could be reference for NBS of IMDs in the other epidemic areas or periods all over the world.
Keywords: Novel coronavirus (2019-nCov); inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs); newborn screening (NBS).
2020 Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved.