[Superselective arteriography of the hip. Technic, normal appearance and 1st results in primary osteonecrosis of the femoral head]

Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic. 1977 Apr;44(4):263-71.
[Article in French]


The arteries vascularising the femoral head were selectively catheterised via the axillary, or left humeral route. Injection into the posterio circumflex artery revealed an interruption of the superior capsular branches in necroses of the femoral head at their onset. In the more develped lesions either a persistence of the obstruction of the capsular branches or a revascularisation was found.

MeSH terms

  • Angiography / methods*
  • Femur Head / blood supply
  • Femur Head Necrosis / diagnostic imaging*
  • Humans
  • Methods
  • Subtraction Technique