Multispectral photoacoustic imaging (MPAI) is a promising emerging diagnostic technology, but fluence artifacts can degrade device performance. Our goal was to develop well-validated phantom-based test methods for evaluating and comparing MPAI fluence correction algorithms, including a heuristic diffusion approximation, Monte Carlo simulations, and an algorithm we developed based on novel application of the diffusion dipole model (DDM). Phantoms simulated a range of breast-mimicking optical properties and contained channels filled with chromophore solutions (ink, hemoglobin, or copper sulfate) or connected to a previously developed blood flow circuit providing tunable oxygen saturation (SO2). The DDM algorithm achieved similar spectral recovery and SO2 measurement accuracy to Monte Carlo-based corrections with lower computational cost, potentially providing an accurate, real-time correction approach. Algorithms were sensitive to optical property uncertainty, but error was minimized by matching phantom albedo. The developed test methods may provide a foundation for standardized assessment of MPAI fluence correction algorithm performance.
Keywords: Monte Carlo; diffusion theory; oximetry; oxygen saturation; spectral coloring; tissue phantoms.