The state of Alaska had a sharp increase in cases of primary and secondary syphilis among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in 2018, centered in Anchorage. A rapid ethnographic assessment was conducted in October 2018 to examine contextual factors contributing to local increases in syphilis. The assessment team conducted qualitative interviews with 64 (N=49 interviews) key informants in Anchorage and Matanuska-Susitna Valley identified through the STD/HIV program at the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health (ADPH): ADPH staff (n = 11; 22%) Medical Providers (n = 18; 37%), Community-Based Organizations/Partners (n = 9; 18%), and GBMSM Community Members (n = 11; 22%). This project was deemed exempt from IRB review. Primary factors affecting syphilis transmission, care, and treatment among GBMSM were: (1) Low awareness about the current syphilis outbreak and ambivalence about syphilis and other STIs; (2) Aspects of sexual partnering such as travel, tourism, and the use of online sites and apps to facilitate anonymous sex and multiple (both sequential/concurrent) partnering; (3) The synergistic effects of substance use, homelessness, and transactional sex; (4) Choosing condomless sex; and (5) Challenges accessing healthcare, including the ability to find appropriate and culturally competent care. Syphilis increases may have been influenced by factors which spanned multiple sectors of the Anchorage community, including individual behavior, community-level risk and protective factors, and use of and interactions with resources offered by ADPH, community-based organizations, and medical providers.
Keywords: Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men; Outbreak response; Qualitative data; Rapid ethnographic assessment; Syphilis.