Since the first report in 1954, abdominal pseudocysts have been recognized as a particularly uncommon complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunts of CSF, so their etiology, diagnosis, and therapeutic management remain very controversial. Our objective is to offer a critical and updated systematic review of those controversial points, using a thorough search and review of the most relevant literature available. The clinical presentation of pseudocysts is normally through non-specific abdominal symptoms. The most validated etiology consists on the existence of a concomitant infection of the CSF shunt system, and so, treatment needs of antibiotherapy and total or partial substitution of the system. However, the pseudocyst itself doesn't need an active treatment, except for some specific cases. This management, algorithmically presented in the present work, achieves a lower recurrence rate than other options, but this one is still important, and is also associated with other complications of those shunts related with several other factors which need to be taken in account.
Keywords: Abdominal pseudocyst; Derivación ventrículo-peritoneal; Etiology; Etiología; Infección; Infection; Management; Manejo; Pseudoquiste abdominal; Ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
Copyright © 2020 Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.