Full-length cDNA copies of the genomic RNAs of grapevine chrome mosaic virus were obtained and cloned in Escherichia coli by a one-step procedure. The cloning protocol included size selections by agarose-gel electrophoresis of both the single-stranded and the double-stranded full-length cDNAs. First-strand cDNA synthesis was primed with oligodeoxythymidine while second-strand synthesis was primed with specific synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides, allowing cloning of the 3' poly(A) and of the last 5' nucleotides of the viral RNA template. For the 7.2-kb and 4.4-kb viral RNAs, up to 20% and 80%, respectively, of the clones were found to be full-length. Even for large templates, this procedure allows fast and efficient cloning of full-length cDNAs.