The idea of establishing a human tissue bank in Bangladesh was started in 1985. However, in 2003, with the active cooperation of international atomic energy agency (IAEA) and Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, a tissue bank laboratory was upgraded as a unit for tissue banking and research. Due to increasing demand of allograft, this unit was transformed as an independent institute "Institute of Tissue Banking and Biomaterial Research (ITBBR)" in 2016. This is the only human tissue bank in Bangladesh, which processes human bone and amniotic membrane to provide safe and cost-effective allografts for transplantation. Importantly, banking of human cranial bone as autograft has also started at ITBBR. These processed grafts are sterilized using gamma radiation according to the IAEA Code of Practice for the radiation sterilization of tissues allografts. The amount of grafts produced by the ITBBR from 2007 to 2018 were 120,800 cc of bone chips, 45,420 cm2 of amniotic membranes, 277 vials of de-mineralized bone granules (DMB), 95 pieces of massive bones, and 134 pieces of cranial bones. Overall, 112,748 cc of bone chips, 40,339 cm2 of amniotic membranes, 174 vials of DMB, 44 pieces of massive bones, and 64 pieces of cranial bones were transplanted successfully. Nevertheless, to cope up with the modern advanced concepts of cell and tissue banking for therapeutic purpose, ITBBR is working to set up facilities for skin banking, stem cells banking including amniotic and cord blood derived stem cells and scaffold designing. To ensure the quality, safety, ethical and regulatory issues are sustainable in cell and tissue banking practices, ITBBR always works with the Government of Bangladesh for enhancing the national tissue transplantation programme within the contemporary facilities.
Keywords: Amniotic membrane allografts; Bangladesh; Bone allografts; Human tissue bank; IAEA; Irradiation.