The whole root excavation method was used to examine root configuration of Juglans mandshurica, with the age of 5-6 years in three habitats (forest edge, gap, and canopy) in a secondary forest on the western part of Zhangguangcailing Mountains. Root structure and fine root function were measured. The root topological index, average joint length, cross-sectional area ratio before and after root branching were calculated and fine root chemical compositions were analyzed. Roots of J. mandshurica at forest edge tended to be dichotomous branch (Topological index:TI=0.68), that under the canopy were herringbone-like branch (TI=0.79), and the gap was between the two (TI=0.72). The average connection length of roots among the three habitats was not significant. The cross-sectional area ratio of roots before and after root branching in three habitats was 1.06, 1.04 and 1.07, respectively, which was not affected by root diameter, in accordance with the Leonardo da Vinci rule. For the same order fine root in different habitats, its length and specific surface area gradually increased from the edge of the forest to the canopy. The N content decreased first and then increased, while the C content and C/N increased first and then decreased. From the forest edge to the gap and to the under canopy, roots tended to move from the dichotomous branch to the herringbone-like branch by reducing the overlap between the secondary branches and roots, increasing specific root length, specific surface area and changing the contents of C and N to cope with environmental change and improve nutrient absorption efficiency.
采用全根挖掘法对张广才岭西坡次生林林缘、林隙、林冠3种生境下5~6年生胡桃楸幼树根系构型及细根功能进行研究,分析根系拓扑指数、平均连接长度、根系分支前后横截面积比,以及细根化学成分,探索胡桃楸幼树根系构型对生境变化的响应。结果表明: 林缘下胡桃楸根系趋向于叉状分支(拓扑指数TI=0.68),林冠下则偏向于鲱鱼骨形分支(TI=0.79),林隙居于两者之间(TI=0.72)。林缘、林隙和林冠下根系平均连接长度差异不显著,根系分支前后横截面积比分别为1.06、1.04、1.07,不受根系直径变化的影响,符合Leonardo da Vinci法则。从林缘、林隙到林冠下,不同生境下同一根序细根的比根长、比表面积逐渐增大,N含量先降低再升高,而C含量和C/N则先升高再降低。从林缘、林隙到林冠下,胡桃楸根系通过减少次级分支和根系间的重叠,使其由叉状分支趋向于鲱鱼骨形分支,并通过增大比根长、比表面积和改变C、N含量应对环境的变化,提高根系对养分的吸收效率。.
Keywords: Juglans mandshurica; Leonardo da Vinci's law; root configuration; specific root length; specific surface area; topological index.