Testing for hereditary predisposition to breast cancer is rapidly expanding in parallel with the emerging field of molecular genetics given the associated implications for screening, risk reduction and cancer therapeutics for identified gene mutation carriers. With the advent of next generation multigene panel testing for hereditary predisposition and decreasing cost for that testing, more breast cancer patients (and unaffected family members) are undergoing cancer genetic testing. With multiple genes being tested and the myriad of possible results and implications for patients and their families, the process of genetic counseling is of paramount importance in promoting understanding by both patients and providers of risks and options for risk management. Guidelines exist to facilitate a multidisciplinary approach to management of individuals identified as being at increased risk, and there must be an appreciation for flexibility as guidelines are applied to individual families. This update summarizes recommendations regarding who may benefit from breast cancer risk assessment and genetic counseling, controversies regarding inclusion for testing and provides a framework for the practical management of high risk gene carriers.
Keywords: Breast cancer risk assessment and risk reduction; Genetic counseling and testing; Hereditary cancer; Next generation multi-gene panel testing.
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